Xenon Zyn's Portfolio – Tagged "size-a-size-xxs-lg, color-yellow, skirt" – Fresh Hot Flavors

Xenon Zyn's Portfolio

Hello my name is Xenon Zyn aka Oxygen Impulse, I'm an artist who is one of the owners of the Fresh Hot Flavors studio here at freshhotflavors.com.

I have a million hobbies and I love to make things! I may also want to also show off my hobby indie game, if so I can provide my own equipment and power in the form of a camping battery if needed :) All art on this page was drawn/made by me!

For my game, if I bring it to show, I can make sure there is a controller and only allow one person to stand at a time if traffic is congested, or forgo attendees playing at all and just keep it on "Demo Mode."

Thanks for looking! 💜

~Xenon Zyn

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